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I also gathered for myself silver and gold and the treasure of kings and provinces. I got singers, both men and women, and many concubines, the delight of the sons of man.
Ecclesiastes 2:8

Up until now, in all the testing of life’s pleasures to find something that is not vanity, he was still dedicated to the Lord and using the wisdom God gave him for good. He doesn’t really fall spiritually until he gives in to the temptation of having many women in his life. This led him to the worship of their gods which breaks the first commandment, “thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Satan uses his weakness for women to lure him into sin.

This teaching in God’s Word makes me more aware of the things that cause me to take my eyes off of God, that lure me away from him. Sometimes it’s a busy schedule that causes me to not take time to be in His Word for several days. This makes me weaker spiritually and I am more vulnerable to think or do things I normally wouldn’t consider.

Father, thank you for pointing out my need to be in Your Word each and every day. I pray You will use Your Word to warn me of my own besetting sins.

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