Not of this World
I am a sojourner in the land; do not hide Your commandments from me.
Psalm 119:19
We are born into this world where we live and we spend a good bit of our lives trying to figure out our purpose. If we don’t know the Lord, we probably think of it as our forever home. We try to fit in, strive to be liked by everyone, work hard to acquire homes & jobs, start families and do everything we can to be successful. But if we know God, we realize He has called us out of this world to be sanctified and to serve Him even while we live in this temporary place. We are here for a short time to live and serve Him, but will eventually spend the rest of our lives with Him in Heaven. “But our citizenship is in Heaven, and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Phil. 3:20
So our life on earth is a SOJOURN – we live here temporarily and are dependent on God’s grace for the length of time we will be here. He tells us not to get caught up in the things of this world because they are temporary and of no eternal value. “Do not love the world or anything in the world.” I John 2:15 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world.” Romans 12:2.
At Christmas we are reminded of the birth of Jesus and thus the beginning of His sojourn on the earth for 33 years. God’s Word tells us how He lived a perfect life here and died for us so can be with Him in eternity. So while we can be frustrated by the struggles we face in this life, we also realize our HOPE is in Jesus Christ our Savior.