Rest for Our Souls

I searched with my heart how to cheer my body with wine – my heart still guiding me with wisdom – and how to lay hold on folly, til I might see what was good for the children of man to do under heaven during the few days of their life.
Ecclesiastes 2:3

We, like Solomon, try to figure out ways to cheer ourselves with things, food or wine. When disappointments come we should look first to the Lord for wisdom and insight, but it’s a discipline that takes patience and practice to learn.

Father, help me to turn to you immediately when I am feeling discouraged. My tendency is to turn inward and enjoy feeling sorry for myself, but You promise to bear our burdens with us so we can stand up under them. Help me to humble my own heart and come to you even when I am disappointed in myself and how I sinned. Unblind my eyes to the things that keep me from seeing you. Amen.

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