Too Busy To See

I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind.
Ecclesiastes 1:14

Wind often represents the fleeting and transient, the elusive and the intangible. Again, Solomon emphasizes that the things we strive for here on earth will eventually disappear. It may seem like we come up with great goals and often we attain them and feel a rush of accomplishment. Then after awhile when the excitement has worn off, we feel compelled to set another goal to fulfill. What Solomon is saying is that we will never feel satisfied by these achievements. And sadly, upon our death, they won’t matter any more – to us or to others.

Why is this important? Because until we figure out that God is the only one who can satisfy and brings us peace and happiness, then ALL of the things we do in life are fleeting and transient, elusive and intangible. The enemy would love for us to continue moving throughout our entire life thinking earthly things can make us happy, so he tries to keep our eyes and hearts away from God and focused on these things that we chase after each day.

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