The purpose of life

Why is the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible? Could it be because every person born wonders what their purpose in life is? Whether we know God or not, we are always seeking to understand why we are here. Why are we born into a particular family. Why have we lived through certain events where we seem to have no control. We ALL spend much brain effort in trying to figure out our purpose in life. What were we made to do, or to be?

Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him.
I Corinthians 7:17

There is some controversy as to who the author of the book is, but I agree with most that it was King Solomon. I imagine he often thought some of the same things we do about life even though he was blessed with intelligence, abilities, position and wealth. So what better person to have write this philosophical book about life than one like him who seemed to have it all together. He too may have wondered why he was born a king, was smart, educated and wealthy.

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